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Top IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Samples

Updated on 03 May, 2024

Kanika Pruthi

Kanika Pruthi

Sr. Content Writer & Study Abroad Expert

The IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 is all about writing a 150-word (minimum) summary of a table, graph (pie chart, bar, or line graph), chart, or procedure. The IELTS academic writing task 1 samples in this article will show you how to report core features and describe/compare information while identifying major trends or significant aspects. Some things to remember are- 

  • You will write 150 words at least. You can write more if you wish. 
  • You will get 20 minutes to complete the essay. 
  • A formal writing style is necessary. 
  • Task 1 accounts for 33% of Writing test marks in IELTS. 

While looking at the sample answers, you should consider the below-mentioned aspects:

  • Understand the marking criteria- It will help you write the correct answer while identifying the key points alongside. 
  • Paraphrasing the question- Experts recommend paraphrasing the question in the very first paragraph. It is possible if you use synonyms. 
  • Writing an overview- To write an overview, you can briefly summarize the key points of your report. You can do this without any data reference as well. 
  • Back up your key features- Start a new paragraph for backing up the main features with accurate data. 
  • Double-check at the end - Check and double-check for errors. Your report should not have any grammar or spelling errors. Ensure that your data points are accurate as well.

Know More about Tips For IELTS Writing Task 1

Common Topics for IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Samples

 You will be given one of the following types of questions for IELTS writing task 1 to complete within the allotted time:

  • Bar Chart
  • Table-Chart
  • Multiple Graphs
  • Map
  • Pie Chart
  • Process Diagram 
  • Line Graph
  • Combination of these as multiple tasks

The aspirant needs to write a small report penning down the core features in the given graph that they observe. You will find the same if you analyze the IELTS writing task 1 academic for band 9 samples. You may have to summarize information, describe the stages in any process, explain the functioning of something and outline any event or object. The question format will involve a brief description of the chart or table, followed by the instructions for candidates and then the actual picture for them to follow.

You will have to summarize the information as per the question’s instructions, followed by identifying and describing the main components and drawing comparisons wherever necessary. 

Here’s taking a look at the common types of questions that you will find in the IELTS writing task 1:

  • Bar Chart- Bar graphs or charts are common questions for task 1. The data may be vertically or horizontally showcased for aspirants. An example of a question would be- The bar chart below shows the number of tigers, lions, and jackals recorded in Kenya from 2010 to 2015.
  •  Line Graph- Line graphs are common questions in task 1 as well. They are easier to understand in many cases. For example- The graph below shows India and Bangladesh’s population since the year 2005 and predicts population growth until 2060. Line Graph Task 1 for IELTS Exam
  • Table- Tables are regular occurrences in task 1 and they may be tougher to understand. It is because they have numbers without visual representations. Yet, remember that tables in Task 1 are not complex at all since the examination deals with your language capabilities and not your mathematical skills. For example- The table below gives information about the Indian population and distribution in 1945 and 2015, with an estimate of the scenario in 2060. 
  • Pie Chart- Pie charts are not common questions, although you should practice them beforehand. The data there is visually represented. For example, the question may state- The chart below displays reasons for people traveling by metro railway and trains or even by buses
  • Process Diagrams- Process diagrams are not as common, although learning about them is always important. They may show any natural or scientific procedure like manufacturing something or the water cycle, for instance. They may also show something like the central air conditioning system in any home or office. For example, a question could be that the diagram below shows a structure used to generate electricity from waterpower
  • Map- The question may sometimes revolve around a map. You may have to compare two to three maps over a particular timelineFor example, the diagrams below show the changes taking place at Nanabhai Kirloskar Hospital since its construction in 1930. You will again have to summarize, report key features, and compare wherever necessary. 

Multiple Graphs- Questions with multiple graphs have several kinds of diagrams and are common in the examination. They will mostly have two diagrams like a combination of line graphs and bar charts or tables and pie charts.  A question could be- The diagrams below provide information on bicycle use in Alberta. You will have to summarize, select and report key features and also compare wherever necessary.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Questions Academic with Answers:

Here are a few samples that will help you get the idea.

Diagram 1-

Source: https://ielts.completesuccess.in/


This diagram explains the process of manufacturing bricks for the construction and development sectors. There are seven stages of manufacturing, beginning with digging up clay and culminating with the final delivery.

The brick-making process starts with a big digger being employed for digging up clay from the ground. It is placed on a metal grid for breaking it up into smaller parts. A roller helps with this part of the process.

After the metal grid, the clay gets infused with water and sand. The mixture is then converted to bricks with the help of a wire cutter or mould. After that, they are put to dry for 24-84 hours in the oven.

In the fifth stage, the bricks undergo heating and cooling. They are heated in the kiln at temperatures ranging from moderate (200-980 degrees C) to high (870-1300 degrees C). Then they are put in the cooling chamber for 48-72 hours. Once the process is completed, the bricks are packaged and delivered to customers.

Words: 163

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Question 2-

Given below is a map of Albuquerque city. The city designers and authorities have decided to develop a new shopping and retail mall for the city, and two sites, S1 and S2, have been proposed likewise.

Source: https://www.ieltsbuddy.com/ielts-map.html


The map shows two proposed sites for building a shopping mall in Albuquerque city. The two proposed sites lie in the northern and south-eastern parts of the area,  respectively, according to the map.

S1 is the first proposed site for the shopping mall in Albuquerque and lies northwards from the city center on the map. It is positioned over the railway line that connects the north-western and south-eastern parts of Albuquerque. If developed here, it will be close to a major housing estate, offering more accessibility and amenities to those residing in the city center and the estate. It will also lie adjacent to the river that goes through the city.

The second proposed site, or S2, lies beside the railway line and is closer to the industrial estate. The main road is close to both the proposed sites, offering easy connectivity for residents. A park and a golf course lie towards the western end of the city, and no sites are possible in the area as a result.

Words: 178

More Resources to Read:

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Question 3-

The table shows Proportions of Pupils attending Four Secondary School Types between 2010 and 2020.

Summarize the information by choosing and reporting the key features and make comparisons where relevant.

Secondary School Attendance





Specialist Schools




Grammar Schools




Voluntary-controlled  Schools




Community Schools






The table shows the percentage of school pupils attending four unique secondary school types between 2010 and 2020. Attendance in the community schools has seen a consistent and considerable increase over a decade, while others have seen a marginal increase or decline.

Voluntary-controlled schools witnessed the pupil percentage falling from 56% in 2010 to 42% in 2015 and 24% in 2020. A drop of 32% in a decade is what characterizes its attendance figures. Similarly, grammar schools witnessed a steady decline from 26% to 21% from 2010 to 2015. It further reduced to 17% by 2020, indicating overall degrowth of 9% for the decade. On the other hand, specialist schools posted a marginal increase in attendance of 5% over the 10 years, growing from 15% to 20%.

However, community schools successfully increased attendance figures by 47% in this period. Attendance grew from 15% to 37% in the first five years, peaking at 62% in 2020. While these schools initially had abysmal attendance figures, they surpassed more than half of the total pupils in the decade.

Words: 178

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Question 4-

The pie graphs below indicate the results of a survey of activities by children The first graph displays leisure and cultural activities that boys participate in, while the second graph displays activities where girls participateWrite a report describing the information displayed in these two pie graphs.

Source: https://ielts-up.com/writing/academic-writing-sample-1.html


The two pie charts showcase results from a survey on boys' and girls' leisure and cultural activities, including reading, computer games, sports, and dancing/music.

According to the survey results, both boys and girls enjoy listening to music, although more girls enjoy reading than boys. There are many differences concerning preferences for sporting activities.

Boys enjoy computer games more than girls with a 34% rate of participation compared to 16% for the latter. Basketball is the next popular activity (26% take part) followed by soccer which 17% participate in. Skateboarding and listening to music are enjoyable for 11% and 10% of boys respectively. Reading is the least popular activity amongst the boys, with only 2% preferring it.

The second chart shows that girls mostly enjoy dancing (a participation rate of 27%), with reading (21%) and computer games (16%) being other popular activities. 15% of girls enjoy participating in netball, while 11% participate in gymnastics. 10% also enjoy listening to music, which is similar to the figures on the first chart


In conclusion, the top IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 samples serve as an essential guide for candidates preparing for the IELTS exam, particularly in mastering the art of reporting and analyzing data. These samples illustrate how to effectively structure responses, use appropriate vocabulary, and clearly present information from graphs, charts, tables, or diagrams. By studying these exemplars, candidates can gain insights into the level of detail, coherence, and accuracy expected in the test. The ability to succinctly and accurately describe quantitative information is not just a test requirement but a critical skill in academic and professional settings. Therefore, practicing with these top samples is invaluable in not only achieving a high band score in IELTS Writing Task 1 but also in honing skills that will be beneficial in candidates’ future academic and career endeavors.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get 8.5 in IELTS writing?

Achieving a score of 8.5 in IELTS Writing requires a high level of proficiency in the English language, as well as good understanding of the IELTS exam structure and requirements. Here are some tips that can help you achieve a high score:

1)Practice writing essays regularly: The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with the task and the more proficient you will become in writing.

2)Familiarize yourself with the IELTS writing task requirements: Understand what is required in each task, such as the word limit, time limit, and type of essay.

3)Read and analyze sample essays: Read and analyze high-scoring sample essays to gain a better understanding of what the examiners are looking for in terms of structure, language use, and content.

4)Improve your grammar and vocabulary: It is important to have a strong command of the English language, including a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical accuracy.

5)Write in a clear, concise and organized manner: Organize your essay in a logical way that is easy to read, and use appropriate linking words and phrases to connect your ideas.

6)Use relevant and appropriate examples: Use examples that are relevant to the topic and support your arguments or points.

7)Manage your time effectively: Make sure to use your time wisely, allocating enough time for each task, including planning, writing and reviewing.

8)Seek feedback: Get feedback from a teacher or someone who is proficient in English writing, as they can help you identify areas for improvement and offer constructive feedback.

By following these tips, you can improve your chances of achieving a score of 8.5 in IELTS Writing. Remember that it takes time and practice to achieve a high score, so be patient and persistent.


Kanika Pruthi

Sr. Content Writer & Study Abroad Expert

Kanika has 5+ years of experience as a writer and content developer. She has written for a wide range of industry verticals, including hospitality, restaurants, non-profits, finance, IT, HR, technology, payroll, and education. She has worked as a creator for a few leading companies and has also helped brands grow through her creative writing.

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