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Unveiling Population Viability Analysis: IELTS Reading Passage With Questions & Answers

Updated on 09 February, 2024

upGrad Abroad Team

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Short Intro:

Population viability analysis (PVA) is a vital tool used by conservation biologists to assess the long-term sustainability of species. This IELTS reading passage provides an in-depth look at PVA, its importance in biodiversity conservation, and the factors that influence the outcomes of such analyses.


In the field of conservation biology, understanding the factors that contribute to a species' survival is crucial. Population Viability Analysis (PVA) is a scientific process that models the probability of a species persisting for a given amount of time under specific conditions. This quantitative method combines statistical data, such as birth and death rates, with environmental variables to predict possible futures for wildlife populations.

The heart of PVA lies in its simulations, which run on demographic and environmental data to forecast a species' fate. These simulations often use computer software that incorporates a range of scenarios, from climate change to habitat loss, allowing conservationists to see potential effects on population dynamics over time.

PVA is not without its challenges. It requires extensive and accurate data, which can be difficult to gather, especially for elusive or rare species. Furthermore, the complexity of ecosystems makes it hard to account for every variable. Despite these obstacles, PVA remains a cornerstone of conservation efforts, providing a scientific basis for decision-making and prioritization in the protection of endangered species.

Questions & Answers:

Q1: What does PVA stand for in conservation biology?

A) Population Variable Analysis

B) Population Viability Analysis

C) Population Validity Analysis

D) Population Vitality Analysis

A1: B) Population Viability Analysis

Explanation: Population Viability Analysis (PVA) is the correct term used to describe the process that assesses the probability of a species surviving under various environmental conditions.

Q2: PVA models are used to ______.

A) predict weather patterns

B) simulate population dynamics

C) assess economic viability

D) calculate genetic diversity

A2: B) simulate population dynamics

Explanation: PVA uses simulations based on demographic and environmental data to predict the future dynamics of a species' population.

Q3: True or False: PVA can predict the exact fate of a species.

A3: False

Explanation: PVA does not predict the exact fate but rather models probabilities and scenarios that can help in conservation planning.

Q4: The primary challenge in conducting PVA is:

A) the lack of interest in conservation

B) the ease of gathering data

C) extensive and accurate data requirements

D) finding suitable computer software

A4: C) extensive and accurate data requirements

Explanation: Gathering extensive and accurate data is challenging for PVA, especially for species that are elusive or rare.

Q5: PVA is important for:

A) creating zoos

B) urban development

C) conservation efforts

D) agricultural planning

A5: C) conservation efforts

Explanation: PVA provides a scientific basis for decision-making and prioritization in the protection of endangered species, which is essential for conservation efforts.

Q6: Fill in the blank: PVA simulations often incorporate scenarios like climate change and ______.

A6: habitat loss

Explanation: The passage mentions that PVA simulations include various scenarios, such as climate change and habitat loss, to understand their potential effects on populations.

Q7: True or False: PVA always requires the use of computer software.

A7: True

Explanation: The passage indicates that PVA often utilizes computer software to run simulations, though it does not state that it is always required.

Q8: Which of the following is not a factor usually considered in PVA?

A) Birth rates

B) Death rates

C) Color variations in species

D) Environmental variables

A8: C) Color variations in species

Explanation: PVA focuses on demographic data like birth and death rates and environmental variables rather than specific traits like color variations unless they directly impact survival rates.

Q9: Fill in the blank: Despite its challenges, PVA remains a cornerstone of ______.

A9: conservation efforts

Explanation: The passage concludes by reinforcing the importance of PVA in conservation, despite the difficulties in its application.

Q10: True or False: PVA simplifies the complexity of ecosystems in its models.

A10: False

Explanation: The passage acknowledges that ecosystems' complexity makes it challenging to account for every variable, indicating that PVA does not oversimplify these complexities.

IELTS Reading Exam Tips:

Tip 1: Understand the main idea of each paragraph to better anticipate questions.

Tip 2: Pay close attention to specific terms and their definitions, as they are often the subject of questions.

Tip 3: Practice skimming and scanning techniques to locate information quickly.

Tip 4: Develop the ability to distinguish between facts and opinions presented in the text.

Tip 5: Hone your skills in identifying true, false, and not given statements by focusing on the presence or absence of information.

By thoughtfully engaging with the content and context of the passage on Population Viability Analysis, IELTS candidates can enhance their preparation for the reading section. This passage, along with the accompanying questions, answers, and explanations, serves as a valuable resource for understanding complex topics and responding to various question types.

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