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Hybrid Solar Lighting

Updated on 10 December, 2023

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad abroad Editorial Team


Hybrid Solar Lighting (HSL) represents a significant leap in renewable energy technology, merging natural sunlight with artificial lighting systems to create an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution. This passage explores the concept of HSL, its mechanisms, benefits, and potential implications for the future. For IELTS aspirants, this topic not only broadens your knowledge base but also provides a perfect platform to practice your reading comprehension skills.


Hybrid Solar Lighting (HSL) is an innovative technology that harnesses sunlight to illuminate interiors, supplementing with artificial light when necessary. This system uses a combination of solar collectors, fiber optic cables, and traditional lighting fixtures. During the day, sunlight is collected and channeled through these cables, dispersing natural light throughout a building. When sunlight is insufficient, sensors trigger an auxiliary electric light source, ensuring consistent illumination.

One of the most remarkable aspects of HSL is its energy efficiency. Studies show that HSL can reduce electricity usage for lighting by up to 50% compared to conventional methods. This is particularly beneficial in regions with ample sunlight, where the potential for solar energy is high. Besides energy savings, HSL also offers health benefits. Exposure to natural light boosts vitamin D production, enhances mood, and improves circadian rhythms.

HSL's eco-friendly nature extends beyond reduced energy consumption. By relying more on sunlight, it decreases carbon emissions associated with electricity production, contributing to the fight against climate change. Moreover, the quality of light provided by HSL is often superior to that of artificial sources, offering a spectrum closer to that of natural daylight.

Despite its advantages, the widespread adoption of HSL faces challenges. The initial installation cost of HSL systems is relatively high, and their effectiveness is geographically dependent, limiting their use in areas with less sunlight. However, with ongoing advancements and growing environmental concerns, HSL stands as a promising solution in the realm of sustainable development.

Questions and Answers:

Q1: What is the primary function of Hybrid Solar Lighting (HSL)?

A) To generate electricity

B) To heat interiors

C) To provide natural illumination

D) To produce solar panels

Answer: C) To provide natural illumination

Explanation: The passage describes HSL as a system designed to utilize sunlight for interior lighting, supplementing with artificial light as needed.

Q2: How much can HSL reduce electricity usage for lighting compared to traditional methods?

A) 25%

B) 50%

C) 75%

D) 100%

Answer: B) 50%

Explanation: The passage mentions that studies indicate a potential reduction in electricity usage for lighting by up to 50% with HSL.

Q3: True or False: HSL systems are less effective in regions with limited sunlight.

Answer: True

Explanation: The passage states that the effectiveness of HSL is geographically dependent, making it less suitable for areas with less sunlight.

Q4: Fill in the blanks: HSL uses __________, fiber optic cables, and __________.


solar collectors

traditional lighting fixtures

Explanation: The passage outlines that HSL employs solar collectors and traditional lighting fixtures, in addition to fiber optic cables, for its operation.

Q5: Which of the following is not a benefit of HSL mentioned in the passage?

A) Reduced energy consumption

B) Health benefits

C) Lower water usage

D) Decreased carbon emissions

Answer: C) Lower water usage

Explanation: The passage discusses reduced energy consumption, health benefits, and decreased carbon emissions as advantages of HSL, but does not mention lower water usage.

Q6: What triggers the auxiliary electric light source in HSL systems?

A) Time of day

B) Amount of people in the room

C) Insufficient sunlight

D) Temperature changes

Answer: C) Insufficient sunlight

Explanation: The passage states that sensors trigger the auxiliary electric light source when natural sunlight is insufficient.

Q7: Fill in the blanks: Exposure to natural light from HSL boosts __________ production and improves __________ rhythms.


vitamin D


Explanation: According to the passage, HSL's natural light exposure enhances vitamin D production and circadian rhythms.

Q8: True or False: The initial installation cost of HSL systems is lower than conventional lighting systems.

Answer: False

Explanation: The passage indicates that one of the challenges of HSL is its relatively high initial installation cost compared to conventional lighting systems.

Q9: What aspect of HSL contributes to the fight against climate change?

A) Increased use of fossil fuels

B) Reduced carbon emissions

C) Larger use of electrical appliances

D) Decreased reliance on renewable energy

Answer: B) Reduced carbon emissions

Explanation: The passage highlights that HSL's reduced reliance on electricity and increased use of sunlight helps decrease carbon emissions, aiding in combating climate change.

Q10: Hybrid Solar Lighting is most beneficial in regions with:

A) High wind speeds

B) Ample sunlight

C) Frequent rain

D) Cold temperatures

Answer: B) Ample sunlight

Explanation: The passage notes that HSL is particularly beneficial in areas with ample sunlight due to the high potential for solar energy.

IELTS Reading Exam Tips:

Tip 1: Skim the Passage First: Quickly skim the passage to get a general understanding of the topic and structure.

Tip 2: Identify Key Words: In each question, identify key words and phrases to guide you in finding the relevant part of the text.

Tip 3: Understand Question Types: Familiarize yourself with different question types (multiple choice, fill in the blanks, true/false) and strategies for each.

Tip 4: Look for Paraphrases: Answers are often paraphrased. Look for synonyms and similar phrases rather than exact words from the text.

Tip 5: Practice Time Management: Allocate your time wisely, ensuring you have enough time to read, answer all questions, and review your answers.

Approaching the topic of Hybrid Solar Lighting with these strategies in mind will enhance your understanding and performance in the IELTS reading section. Remember, the key is to assimilate information efficiently and answer accurately, reflecting a deep comprehension of the text.

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