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Copy Your Neighbour: IELTS Reading Passage with Questions and Answers

Updated on 20 December, 2023

upGrad Abroad Team

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Navigating through the IELTS reading section can be a daunting experience. With passages that range from the descriptive to the analytical, it's crucial for candidates to develop a strategy for understanding and answering questions accurately. The passage "Copy Your Neighbour Reading Answers" dives into the psychological aspects of learning and information retention.

Passage: "Copy Your Neighbour Reading Answers"

In the intricate landscape of academic learning, the act of copying answers from a peer, often dismissed as a mere shortcut to success, unfolds layers of psychological and social dynamics. This passage navigates through the intricate interplay of copying in educational environments, revealing its multifaceted implications on learning and knowledge assimilation.

At its inception, copying is a primal instinct, a survival mechanism honed by our ancestors to swiftly adapt to environmental exigencies. Transposed into the context of modern education, however, this instinctual behavior morphs into a complex paradigm. While ostensibly it offers a quick fix, a means to an immediate end, its long-term ramifications on cognitive development and critical thinking are profound and often detrimental.

The act of copying, especially in a high-stakes academic setting, can lead to a superficial understanding of the material. Learners may find temporary success in replicating answers, but this success is fleeting, leaving them ill-equipped for future intellectual challenges. The passage also delves into the psychological underpinnings of this behavior, exploring how the reliance on others for answers can stifle one's innate curiosity and critical thinking abilities.

Conversely, the passage explores a paradoxical angle — the potential benefits of copying in specific contexts. It discusses how, in collaborative learning environments, the act of copying can morph into a form of idea exchange and mutual learning. This perspective opens a dialogue on the thin line between harmful mimicry and beneficial collaboration.

Through various studies and examples, the passage paints a nuanced picture of the role of copying in learning. It underscores the importance of fostering an educational ethos that values understanding over rote learning, and independent thought over mere replication.

Questions and Answers

Q1. What does the passage primarily describe copying as?

A) A beneficial learning tool

B) A survival mechanism

C) A detrimental academic practice

D) A form of intellectual curiosity

A1. B) A survival mechanism. The passage describes copying as an instinctual behavior evolved as a survival mechanism.

Q2. Complete the sentence: "In academic settings, reliance on copying often leads to ___."

A) increased creativity

B) superficial understanding

C) enhanced critical thinking

D) better collaborative skills

A2. B) superficial understanding. The passage discusses how copying in academic settings typically results in a shallow understanding of the subject matter.

Q3. According to the passage, what is a potential benefit of copying in a collaborative learning environment?

A) It fosters independent learning.

B) It leads to mutual idea exchange.

C) It encourages rote learning.

D) It decreases group cohesion.

A3. B) It leads to mutual idea exchange. The passage mentions that in some collaborative contexts, copying can become a form of beneficial idea sharing.

Q4. True or False: The passage suggests that copying always has negative consequences in educational settings.

A) True

B) False

A4. B) False. While the passage highlights the drawbacks of copying, it also acknowledges the potential benefits in certain collaborative learning scenarios.

Q5. What does the passage imply is crucial for educational success?

A) Relying on peers for answers

B) Valuing understanding over rote learning

C) Focusing on short-term success

D) Encouraging copying for quick results

A5. B) Valuing understanding over rote learning. The passage emphasizes the importance of deep understanding and critical thinking over merely replicating answers.

Q6. Fill in the blank: "The passage underlines the importance of ___________ in fostering a deeper understanding of material."

A) independent thought

B) peer collaboration

C) mimicking answers

D) short-term memorization

A6. A) independent thought. The passage stresses the significance of independent thinking for a deeper understanding of educational material.

Q7. According to the passage, what is a drawback of copying for long-term intellectual development?

A) It enhances problem-solving skills.

B) It undermines critical thinking abilities.

C) It improves adaptability.

D) It strengthens memory retention.

A7. B) It undermines critical thinking abilities. The passage discusses how copying can negatively impact critical thinking and long-term intellectual growth.

Q8. The passage suggests that copying in an academic setting can lead to:

A) immediate and lasting success.

B) fleeting success and future challenges.

C) consistent academic performance.

D) improved understanding of concepts.

A8. B) fleeting success and future challenges. The passage indicates that while copying might offer immediate success, it leaves students unprepared for future intellectual challenges.

Q9. True or False: The passage advocates for a strict ban on all forms of copying in educational environments.

A) True

B) False

A9. B) False. The passage does not advocate for a complete ban but rather presents a nuanced view of copying, acknowledging its varied implications.

Q10. The passage concludes by emphasizing the need for an educational ethos that values:

A) reliance on others for success.

B) quick-fix solutions.

C) understanding over rote learning.

D) competitive academic practices.

A10. C) understanding over rote learning. The passage concludes by underscoring the need for an educational approach that prioritizes deep understanding and critical thinking over mere replication of answers.

These questions and answers are designed to test a range of skills required for the IELTS Reading section, including comprehension, inference, and vocabulary. They are crafted to reflect the depth and nuances of the passage, providing a comprehensive understanding and practice for the exam.

Tips for IELTS Reading Success

T1: Skimming and Scanning: Develop the ability to quickly identify key ideas and information in a passage.

T2: Vocabulary Building: Regularly learn and practice new words to improve comprehension and interpretation of reading materials.

T3: Effective Time Management: Allocate time wisely for each section and practice under timed conditions to improve speed and efficiency.


The "Copy Your Neighbour Reading Answers" passage provides a comprehensive tool for IELTS aspirants. It challenges readers to critically analyze a complex topic while offering a practical framework for mastering the IELTS Reading section. By integrating these strategies, candidates can significantly enhance their chances of achieving a high band score.

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