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Music Language We All Speak

Updated on 11 December, 2023

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad abroad Editorial Team


Music, often regarded as the universal language, transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, connecting people from various backgrounds. This IELTS reading passage explores the intrinsic relationship between music and human emotions, social interactions, and its impact across cultures.


Music's omnipresence in human society is as old as civilization itself. From the rhythmic drumbeats of ancient tribes to the symphonies of Beethoven, music has continually evolved, yet its core purpose of expression remains unchanged. Researchers in ethnomusicology, the study of music from a cultural and social perspective, suggest that music is an innate human trait, akin to language - a notion supported by the discovery of 40,000-year-old flutes carved from bird bones and mammoth ivory.

This universality of music is evident in its ability to evoke emotions. Studies have shown that certain melodies or rhythms can elicit similar emotional responses across different cultural groups. For instance, a study conducted across 50 countries revealed that both Western and Eastern cultures identified the same pieces of music as ‘happy’ or ‘sad’.

Beyond emotions, music plays a significant role in social bonding and group dynamics. It's seen in the unified chants at sports events, the coordinated rhythms in military marches, and the harmonious collaboration in orchestras. Music creates a sense of community, belonging, and collective identity.

The language of music also extends to its impact on cognitive development and health. Learning an instrument has been linked to improved memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Music therapy is an emerging field, showing promise in treating various psychological and neurological disorders.

Questions and Answers:

Q1. What is the primary subject of this passage?

A) The history of musical instruments

B) The evolution of music across cultures

C) The emotional impact of music

D) The relationship between music and human society

A1. Answer: D) The relationship between music and human society

The passage discusses how music is intertwined with human emotions, social interactions, and cognitive development, emphasizing its role in society.

Q2. According to the passage, what have researchers in ethnomusicology suggested about music?

A) It is a learned skill

B) It is a human trait similar to language

C) It is less important than language

D) It varies greatly between cultures

A2. Answer: B) It is a human trait similar to language

Ethnomusicologists view music as an innate human trait, akin to language, which is a universal mode of expression.

Q3. How old are the musical instruments mentioned in the passage?

A) 20,000 years

B) 40,000 years

C) 30,000 years

D) 50,000 years

A3. Answer: B) 40,000 years

The passage references the discovery of flutes estimated to be 40,000 years old, indicating the ancient origins of musical instruments.

Q4. Fill in the blank: Studies have shown that music can evoke similar _______ across different cultural groups.

A) instruments

B) melodies

C) emotions

D) languages

A4. Answer: C) emotions

Research has demonstrated that music has the power to elicit comparable emotional responses among varied cultural groups, regardless of their background.

Q5. True or False: The passage states that music's role in social bonding is limited to cultural events.

A) True

B) False

A5. Answer: B) False

The passage explains that music's role in social bonding extends to various social contexts, including sports events, military marches, and orchestras, not just cultural events.

Q6. What does the study of learning a musical instrument suggest?

A) It is challenging for cognitive development

B) It has no impact on cognitive abilities

C) It is beneficial for memory and problem-solving skills

D) It only improves musical skills

A6. Answer: C) It is beneficial for memory and problem-solving skills

Learning to play an instrument is linked to enhanced cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities.

Q7. What is the purpose of music therapy according to the passage?

A) To entertain patients

B) To improve musical talent

C) To treat psychological and neurological disorders

D) To teach musical theory

A7. Answer: C) To treat psychological and neurological disorders

Music therapy is employed as a treatment method for various mental and neurological conditions, demonstrating music's therapeutic potential.

Q8. Fill in the blank: Music creates a sense of _______, belonging, and collective identity.

A) isolation

B) community

C) division

D) competition

A8. Answer: B) community

Music fosters a feeling of community by bringing people together, enhancing their sense of belonging and shared identity.

Q9. Which area does the passage not explicitly mention as being impacted by music?

A) Cognitive development

B) Emotional health

C) Physical fitness

D) Social bonding

A9. Answer: C) Physical fitness

While the passage discusses music's influence on cognitive development, emotional health, and social bonding, it does not specifically address its impact on physical fitness.

Q10. True or False: The passage suggests that the emotional response to music is culturally dependent.

A) True

B) False

A10. Answer: B) False

Contrary to the idea of cultural dependency, the passage highlights that music can evoke similar emotional responses across diverse cultures, indicating a universal emotional language.

Tips for Students:

T1. Understand the Context: Grasp the main idea of the passage before diving into the questions.

T2. Vocabulary Awareness: Familiarize yourself with a broad range of vocabulary, especially terms related to the passage's topic.

T3. Practice Different Question Types: Get comfortable with multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, and true/false questions.

T4. Time Management: Allocate your time wisely to read, understand, and answer each question.

T5. Critical Thinking: Analyze the passage critically to distinguish between explicitly stated facts and implied meanings.

T6. Regular Practice: Consistent practice with diverse reading passages will enhance your comprehension skills and speed.


Understanding the language of music is not just about appreciating its melodic and harmonic aspects but also about recognizing its profound impact on human life and society. This passage, along with the practice questions, provides an excellent opportunity for IELTS learners to deepen their comprehension skills while gaining insights into the fascinating world of music. Remember, the key to excelling in the IELTS reading section lies in consistent practice, strategic preparation, and a keen understanding of the passage's underlying themes.

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