Accreditation, Number of Students and Faculties
As per the information for 2018 the total number of students who enrolled in Spring Arbor University is approximately 3,436 including 1,215 graduates and there are more than 80 staff and faculty available at Spring Arbor University for various support services and information for the university. This reputed university is one of the state's greatest employers, which consists of a total range of various professional opportunities and some benefits too. Spring Arbor University is famous for its education quality and it is ranked 66 in 'RegionalUniversities Midwest' and also ranked 610 in 'Nursing'. This reputed educational institution is ranked 19 in 'Top Performers on Social Mobility' and as well as ranked 43 in 'Best College for Veterans'. Spring Arbor University was promoted in the late 20th century via a seminary which was situated in the year 1873 by the directors of the 'Free Methodist Church' especially Edward Payson Hart.
University Campus, Facilities, Labs and Courses
The campus size of Spring Arbor University is 100 acres which consist of a semester-based calendar. The university includes a variety of campus buildings and campus dining facilities for its students. The university campus consists of an exciting range of cafes, gyms, sports clubs and a few restaurants for students. Spring Arbor University includes a lab facility which is located in the university premises named 'SAU Engineering Lab' that offers 70+ major programmes for the students. Some courses available at this university are - 'Bachelor of Science in Business Administration', 'Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry Leadership', 'Bachelor of Social Work' and so on.
Streams, Number of Courses and Other Offerings
The Spring Arbor University in Spring Arbor, Michigan includes various essential streams like arts, commerce, science and engineering. Some necessary programmes are also involved in the university such as 'Social Work', 'Nursing Administration', 'General Studies', 'Early Childhood Education and Teaching', 'Health', 'Physical Education', 'Psychology' and so on. There is a big central library located near Spring Arbor University which is open for approximately 24 hours a day for the whole year so that students can explore various essential books whenever they want.
Spring Arbor University Acceptance rate
Spring Arbor University in Spring Arbor, Michigan is very considerate in every aspect. The rate of acceptance of Spring Arbor University in Spring Arbor, Michigan in general, was above 63.3% according to a survey in 2020.
Admission Eligibility Criteria
Spring Arbor University has some specific criteria relating to admission eligibility for undergraduates such as:
- Minimum age of 18 years is necessary.
- Every student needs to have a foreign nationality.
- Required official copies of a student's SAT or AP scores and ACT scores also.
Spring Arbor University has some specific criteria relating to admission eligibility for postgraduates such as:
- Firstly, a bachelor's degree is required.
- English language efficiency marks are also required.
- Eligible candidates must have finished their bachelor's degree from a reputed as well as certified college.
Documents, Test and Average Score Required
Required documents for applying for the undergraduate degree at Spring Arbor University are described below:
- A school leaving certificate in the original language is required.
- Country-specific documents such as proof of university documents are required.
- Students need to submit their SAT scores as well as ACT scores.
Required documents for applying for the postgraduate degree at Spring Arbor University are described below:
- A certificate of bachelor's degree including an official translation is much needed.
- Internship certificates are also required in a few master's programmes.
- MS nursing reference scheme.
- Appeal for re-admission form.
Popular Courses at Spring Arbor University
Spring Arbor University consists of over 60+ various degree programmes and some of the popular courses are - 'Nursing Administration', 'Business Administration and Management', 'Marketing Management', 'Psychology' and more.