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DOTS Full Form- Directly Observed Therapy Shortcourse

Updated on 26 February, 2024

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad abroad Editorial Team

What is DOTS? The full form of DOTS is Directly Observed Therapy Shortcourse

"DOT" WHO means that the patient receives the prescribed TB medications under the supervision of a skilled healthcare professional or another designated person (who need not be a family member). 

Five main components make up the Directly Observed Therapy Shortcourse (DOTS): medication supply, monitoring and surveillance systems, utilization of highly effective regimens, political commitment, direct observation of therapy, and microscopy services. 

Actually, it serves two purposes: first, to guarantee that the tuberculosis (TB) patient receives the full course of treatment; second, to stop the spread of drug resistance throughout the population. 

DOT is especially important for patients on intermittent therapy schedules (i.e., two or three times per week), people with HIV infection, and patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis.

Key Aspects of DOTS

  • DOT is often given by a nurse or a supervised outreach specialist from the county public health agency of the patient.
  • Under the direction of the regional health department, providing DOT is sometimes the most effective option for clinics, home care providers, treatment institutions, jails, employers, schools, and other establishments.
  • It is not appropriate to utilize family members for DOT. DOT suppliers need to maintain objectivity.
  • Home care agencies may offer DOT or collaborate with the local health department on sophisticated regimens that involve IV/IM drugs or twice daily dosage.
  • Patients who are most at risk should receive priority care if there are insufficient resources available for DOT.  Assessment form for assistance in determining which patients are high priorities
  • .As soon as TB therapy begins, DOT should be started. Before giving DOT, patient must not attempt self-administering medicine or skipping doses. The likelihood of the patient successfully completing therapy is reduced if they perceive DOT as a punitive measure.

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