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Georgian National University SEU

Georgian National University SEU: Rankings, Courses & Admissions

Tbilisi, Georgia

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MD Medicine

Tbilisi, GeorgiaCourse duration : 6 Years
  • Course Fee
    INR 4.51L/yr
  • Exam Accepted
  • Intake Session
    SEP 2024
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About University

9 Tsinandali Street, Tbilisi, Georgia

Founded in 2001

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upGrad’s Accelerator Program

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More About Georgian National University SEU

Create an internationally recognized academic environment that is centred on students and their success in a high-quality modern setting that stimulates learning, teaching and research and thereby provides the opportunity for everyone to achieve their full potential and prepares competitive and highly qualified specialists for the labour market.

Providing education based on the principles and values of the European Higher Education Area and using innovative and flexible approaches to respond to the different needs and demands of all students and society, anticipating trends and focusing on quality improvement is the constant goal of SEU.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What university internal exams are required for those wishing to enroll on a Master's degree?

Additional requirements for admission to the Master's program at SEU are internal university examinations in the specialty and foreign language (B2 level).


Passing English is required for all specialties, except for the specialty of Law, where an MA candidate has also the right to choose and pass German or French.

Samples of exam questions are posted on each graduate program page.

B2 level can be confirmed by a document certifying the relevant level of English:

  • BEC exam and CELS exam – Vantage
  • Cambridge exam – FCE
  • Pritman ESOL International
  • TOEIC – 541
  • TOEFL – 500 (Paper - based) 173 (Computer - based) 72 (Internet - based)

What stages and in what sequence should the student go through to exercise external mobility?

  1. Go through the registration at the mobility e-portal: https://students.emis.ge/
  2. Make an e-application for mobility: state the choice (USD, program) and sort it into priorities (maximum 5 USD, program)
  3. Pay the mobility fee (40 GEL) to JSC Bank of Georgia.
  4. Get acquainted with the results of mobility on the e-portal in the personal registration window.
  5. In case of a positive answer, immediately apply in writing to the recipient higher education institution and submit copies of the personal file.
  6. Get acquainted with the number of credits recognized by the recipient USD and confirm the consent/refusal in a written statement.
  7. The last step is to sign a contract in case of a positive conclusion on the enrollment project from “emis”.

Who has the right to get enrolled on the Master's program without the Unified Master's Exams?

  • Master’s degree candidates with the relevant higher education document from a foreign country.
  • Foreign nationals, (except for the students participating in a joint higher educational program) who are studying/have studied and have earned M.A. credits/qualification under the relevant legislation of the foreign country. SEU Academic Process Regulation p.7/28
  • Georgian citizens, (except for the students participating in a joint higher educational program or an exchange educational program) who are living/have lived and are studying/have studied, and have earned M.A. credits/qualification under the relevant legislation of the foreign country within the deadlines specified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia (living in a foreign country counts at least 75 days of either semester).
  • Master's degree candidates who have been enrolled in a higher education institution without passing the Unified National Examinations in accordance with the procedure established by Paragraph 3 of Article 52 of the Law of Georgia on Higher Education.
  • Foreign nationals, who have obtained the right to continue their studies in a higher education institution of Georgia before the enactment of the Law of Georgia on Higher Education and have a document certifying higher education issued by the state in Georgia.

The above-mentioned persons must apply to the Rector for written consent in order to continue their studies at SEU.

Based on the review of the application submitted by the persons referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article to continue their studies at SEU, SEU shall conduct an interview to determine the language proficiency of the entrant/student/master’s degree candidate, seeking to take a Master’s degree without passing the Unified National Examinations. The video recording of the interview will be accessed to the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.

How to enroll on a Master's degree?

In the learning process, the successful completion of each academic year requires the student to make the appropriate effort to accumulate 60 credits (30 credits per semester).


The student will receive credit only after the completion of the course, as a result of successful completion of the mandatory work for mastering the specific components and a positive evaluation of the learning outcomes.

A prerequisite for awarding credit in each course is to earn at least 51 points out of 100 and to cross the minimum competency threshold for midterm assessments and final exams.

How is the credit fee calculated?

The cost of one credit is calculated as follows: the annual cost of tuition divided by 60 credits. (E.g. 2990/60 = 49.83)

How many credits can a student earn during the academic year?

One academic year includes 60 credits, depending on the specifics of the higher education program and/or individual curriculum; the student's annual workload may be less than 60 credits or more but not more than 75 credits.

What is a credit?

A credit is a unit that indicates the amount of work to be done by a student to master the subject given in units of time.

What certificate is required to submit to the military recruiting station?

Form 26 is required to be submitted to the military recruiting station, which can be requested by the student both remotely and on-site at the Department of Student Affairs

Where and how can I pay the tuition fee?

There is an electronic (billing) system of tuition fee accounting at SEU allowing the student to pay the tuition fee through banking institutions, online portals and fast payment machines.


Partner bank - Bank of Georgia


  • Tuition fees can be paid from fast payment machines.

A student who pays tuition from a partner bank will only need an ID to pay the tuition.

In case the student pays the tuition fee from the fast payment machine, he/she should choose the following modules:
Education -> SEU -> Student Personal Number -> Enrollment

What is the annual tuition fee for a Master's degree?

  • Social Psychology 2250 GEL
  • Education Administration 2250 GEL
  • Banking 2250 GEL
  • Human Resource Management 2490 GEL
  • Law 2770 GEL

Tuition can be paid in 10 installments or according to the individual schedule preferred by the student.

What are the grounds for termination of status?

  • Personal statement (without specifying the reason);
  • Completion of the relevant educational program;
  • Transferring to another higher educational institution;
  • Passing 5 years after the suspension of the student status;
  • Death;
  • Violation of the Code of Ethics.

What are the grounds for suspending the status?

  • Personal statement (without specifying the reason);
  • Financial debt;
  • Failure to get registered (administrative/academic);
  • Pregnancy, childbirth, childcare or deterioration of health;
  • Studying in a foreign higher education institution, except for exchange educational programs.

How is student status suspended?

To suspend the status, the student from the website (emis.seu.edu.ge), in the module of e-chancellery selects the application template - suspend the status and sends the application.

(Application review period is 5 working days)

It is possible to restore student status and continue studies within a maximum of 5 years after the suspension of status.

How is student status restored?

To restore the status, the student from the website (emis.seu.edu.ge), in the module of e-chancellery selects the application template - restore the status and sends the application.

(Application review period is 5 working days)

It is possible to restore student status and continue studies within a maximum of 5 years after the suspension of status.

How can a student switch to internal mobility?

E-chancellery - selects the application template - internal mobility - indicates the desired specialty - indicates the desired educational program and sends the application.

(Application review period is 5 working days)

How and where should a student wishing for external mobility pay the mobility fee?

Payment can be made only after the student registers as a user on the online portal and makes a choice. To pay the mobility fee, the student must visit any branch of the Bank of Georgia, apply to the bank operator and submit an ID card.

When is external mobility announced?

External mobility deadlines are announced by the Education Management Information System (https://emis.ge/) twice a year - in the autumn and spring semesters.

What is mobility?

Mobility is the free movement of students to participate in the teaching, learning and research processes both in Georgia and abroad, in accordance with the rules established by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, followed by recognition of education and credits received during qualification or study.

What does academic registration mean?

Academic registration is the registration of study courses through the electronic learning process management system emis.seu.edu.ge.

What does administrative registration mean?

Passing administrative registration by a student implies full or partial payment of tuition fees in the fall and spring semesters, which is a prerequisite for academic registration.

How is education received abroad recognized?

  • A person with an education received abroad applies to the university with a request to enroll in the desired program.
  • The university interviews the student in the language in which the educational program is preferred.
  • After the interview, the university issues a letter of consent within the maximum number of students and acknowledges the courses taken by the student.
  • The student submits the video recording of the interview, the letter of consent and the conclusion on the recognition of credits to the LEPL Education Quality Development Center, after which the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports issues the enrollment order.
  • After issuing the enrollment order, the student will undergo administrative and academic registration at the university.

Who has the right to enter the university without the Unified National Examinations?

  • Foreign nationals and stateless persons with full general or equivalent education from a foreign country;
  • Georgian citizens, who have received full general or equivalent education in a foreign country and the last 2 years of the full general education have been received in a foreign country;
  • Foreign citizens, (except for the students participating in a joint higher educational program or an exchange educational program) who are studying/have studied and have earned credits/qualification under the relevant legislation of the foreign country;
  • Georgian citizens, (except for the students participating in a joint higher educational program or an exchange educational program) who have lived for at least 75 days of either semester in a foreign country and have earned credits/qualification under the relevant legislation of the foreign country.

The above-mentioned persons must apply to the Rector for written consent in order to continue their studies at SEU.

Based on the review of the application submitted by the persons referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article to continue their studies at SEU, SEU shall conduct an interview to determine the language proficiency of the entrant/student/master’s degree candidate, seeking to take a Master’s degree without passing the Unified National Examinations. The video recording of the interview will be accessed to the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.

How do I get student status?

Undergraduate level - student status can be obtained based on the results of the Unified National Examinations.


Master's degree - student status can be obtained based on the results of the General Master's Exam and internal university exams.

Where can I find electronic versions of books?

In the electronic catalog of the library emis.seu.edu.ge> Library

How do I contact the library?

By e-mail: library@seu.edu.ge;


Phone: Tel: 032 2 90 00 00/42

How is a student event/project funded?

To fund the project, a student organizing group needs to set up a student club of their interest and then apply for funding through a special grant application.

Do you cooperate with various employer organizations?

SEU has a Career Development and Alumni Relations Office that takes care of the career advancement of students and alumni, including their career development and employment. The office collaborates with companies in the local and international market, systematically providing information on various vacancies and internships to the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office.

Where is information about vacancies and internship programs published?

Information about vacancies and internship programs is published on the student's personal page (emis.seu.edu.ge) and in the vacancies and internship field at www.seu.edu.ge.

What happens in case of losing a book?

In case of loss of the book, the reader replaces it with a book of the same name.

How do I defer a book?

The book can be deferred if there is no demand for the book you want; you are welcome to write to library@seu.edu.ge;

(Write us your name, surname, student card number and information about the book you want to defer to)




How many books can I borrow at a time?

From the library hall the reader can take out 10 books at a time.

How long can I borrow the book?

The borrowing time of the book depends on the category of the book and the frequency of demand:


  • Textbook - 1 semester (if there is a corresponding number in the library);
  • Textbook - 1-7 days (if there is no appropriate number in the library);
  • Fiction - 2 months;
  • Other literature - 14-30 days;
  • Periodicals - 1-7 days.

Can I take the book home and if so, how?

To take the book home, you can contact the librarian in person or order it electronically.

To order a book electronically, you must fill out a Form  where the exact author and title of the book will be indicated. You will receive a reply to the book in the mail within one working day.


Where should I look to see if the books are in the library?

The required literature can be found on the SEU portal - in the library section of emis.seu.edu.ge

What time does the library work?

The library is open Monday-Friday 9:30 - 21:30 and Saturday 9:30 - 18:00. 

During the remote learning periodt the library will be open from 9:30 to 18:30 (except for the weekends)

Is it possible to hold any kind of event at the university?

Any student and alumni can plan and organize a variety of activities. To do this, you need to apply to the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office. Tel: 2 90 00 00/27; shakomeskhi@seu.edu.ge

Is it possible to create a student club?

Any student is given the opportunity to establish a student club, plan and carry out various activities. Student clubs based on social, entertainment or professional interests hold social events, seminars, concerts, sports competitions, charity and other student events.

Is it possible to plan different activities?

Any student can create and plan a variety of activities. To do this, the university operates a Career Development and Alumni Relations office, a Sports and Culture Office, and student clubs.

Tel: 2 90 00 00 (27)

Is the personal information of lecturers and students protected at the university?

The university protects the privacy of students and lecturers. Their personal information is inviolable.


Lecturers' contact numbers, any information about the student are not issued including academic performance, status, finances.

The student can come to the dean's office with the parent, or the parent can have a power of attorney from the student to view the academic database emis.seu.edu.ge to find information about the student.

How do I register for the make-up exams?

During the examination period (within the timeframe announced by the University) the student can start the test at any time, without prior registration.

When can a student take the final make-up exam?

The student has the right to take an additional exam in the same semester. The interval between the final and the relevant additional exam should be at least 5 days after the announcement of the results of the relevant exam.

How many points are awarded in the final exam?

The maximum score for the final exam is 40 points.


(It is mandatory to take the final exam.)

How many midterm exams are there in a semester?

The student takes only one midterm exam in the semester - the maximum score is 24.

How many study weeks are there in a semester?

There are 15 study weeks per semester: 2 - midterm exam weeks, 2 weeks for final and 2 weeks for additional exams.

How can I see the evaluation system of each subject in detail?

You can see the evaluation criteria depending on the specifics of the subject at emis.seu.edu.ge - study card - in assessments

What is a positive rating in the study course?

The maximum grade for all courses/components is equal to 100 points. A positive rating is considered to be 51 or more points

How many credits can a student take in the summer semester?

During the summer semester, a student (Bachelor, Master) can take a maximum of 12 credits (within 75 credits per year).

How many credits can a student choose for a maximum of 1 semester?

During one semester the student has the opportunity to choose a maximum of 36 credits (30 standard and 6 additional).

How many credits can a student choose for a maximum of 1 year?

In addition to the standard 60 credits, the student has the opportunity to choose an additional 15 credits (no more than 75 credits per year).

How are credits allocated?

Student workload includes:

  • Attending a lecture,
  • Participation in a working group
  • Practical/laboratory training;
  • Field work;
  • Independent training;
  • Exam preparation - passing;
  • Working on and defending a Bachelor's and Master's thesis.

What does a credit mean?

A credit is a measure of a student's workload.

Where can I see which courses are taught according to the semesters in a specific direction?

The data can be viewed from the educational program module in the learning database.

How does the student choose the concentration?

Concentration selection and registration concentration is registered electronically through the electronic learning process management system.


Internships/clinics and undergraduate theses are chosen by students in undergraduate programs in the VII or VIII semester.

Graduate students choose an internship in the III and a Master's thesis in the IV semester. The Clinic of the Master of Laws program is planned for the II semester.

Internship and undergraduate/graduate credits are automatically deducted from the number of credits selected by students in the relevant semester during academic registration.

During the academic registration, the student does not choose the internship and the Bachelor’s/ Master’s thesis; these components are automatically generated for him/her.

When does the student choose the concentration?

Concentration in undergraduate is available from the 5th semester of study.

Which educational programs provide for the choice of concentration?

Psychology, International Relations and Education Administration programs focus on one specific area of ​​the specialty.

What is concentration?

Sectoral Concentration is an elective module that is part of the program, aimed at a more in-depth study of a specific specialty subfield.

Is it possible to choose a foreign language from free credits?

In order to achieve the results provided by the foreign language block, the student has the opportunity to take additional foreign language courses from free credits.

Is it possible to change the foreign language passed at the National Exams at the university?

The student has the opportunity to choose another foreign language of his/her choice, regardless of the foreign language passed in the Unified National Examinations. In this case, the level of his/her language competence and admission to the relevant course is determined by the results of university testing.

Can a student request admission to a higher language competency course?

The student has the right to request admission to a higher language competency course, provided he/she submits the relevant certificate and/or passes a university test.

How many credits should a student learn from a foreign language module?

The student must accumulate 30 credits in the mentioned competence.

Instructions for choosing a foreign language:

During the academic registration the student chooses a foreign language, in accordance their choice. The level of their language competence and the volume of the foreign language module are determined in the way that after the program the student has achieved at least B2.2 + level competence in the relevant language as defined by CEFR.

Is it possible to cancel/select the chosen lecture course, change the time or the lecturer during the academic registration period?

During the academic registration period, the student can cancel/change the choice; change the study courses, teaching time, group and lecturer. In addition, the condition for registration for each course is the availability of vacancies in the relevant group (in case of reaching the limit of the study group, new students will not be registered in the relevant group).

How do I view a list of electives?

The student can get acquainted with the list of subjects from the academic registration module in the study database.


  • During the academic registration, the student chooses the subjects to be taken in the current semester from all the modules included in the program:
  • University Component (compulsory / optional)
  • Foreign Language Component (compulsory)
  • Specialty Component (compulsory / optional)
  • Concentration (mandatory / optional) in the specialization, if any
  • Practice (mandatory)
  • Undergraduate Thesis (Compulsory)

An annotation of each study course can be found in the field:


How are the subjects selected?

Subjects can be selected electronically through the electronic learning process management system - emis.seu.edu.ge

What does internal mobility mean and who has the right to participate in the process?

Internal mobility means a change of specialty/educational program by a SEU student within the university and the student's right to participate in the mobility arises from the first semester of studying at the relevant level of higher education. The period of study does not include the time during which the person had suspended student status.

Internal mobility period - announced twice a year, in autumn and spring semesters, deadlines are set for a specific time

Internal mobility procedure - it is necessary to apply for participation from the electronic chancellery in the training base.

Is it possible for Georgian citizens to move (transfer documents) from a foreign country without the National Exams?

According to the Georgian law, Georgian citizens who live/have lived, study/have studied for a certain period of time (living in a foreign country includes staying in a foreign country for at least 75 days during one semester) and have received credits/qualifications in Bachelor’s/Master's degree from a recognized higher education institution in a foreign country.

As for the period of study - first of all it is necessary to recognize the subjects passed in another country and then compare them with our program.

Is it possible to get the original documents at the first stage of mobility?

During the registration it is possible to take only copies of the documents from the university.

The original documents are taken from the university after the Minister issues an expulsion order.

What are the criteria for recognizing credits?

Credits received under the program on which enrollment and learning were made in accordance with the law are subject to recognition.


As a result of the substantive study, it is possible to determine the relevance of the training courses taken by the student and the new educational program, regardless of the difference in their titles.

Recognition of a course that is not covered by the student's new educational program is possible under the free credits provided by the new program.

From which semester will I continue my studies?

The duration of the study depends on the number of credits recognized and is determined only after examining the submitted study card.

Documents required for registration of Master's candidates

  • Application (to be filled out on spot);
  • Copy of ID card;
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate or the certificate of being a senior year semester student, or notarized copy of the diploma;
  • General Master’s Examination card;
  • International certificate of at least B2 level of language competence (if any);
  • Copy of military registration (for males only);
  • 3x4 Photo (on CD).

What documents should I submit to the university?

The documents that must be submitted during the administrative registration are:

  1. Application;
  2. Original of a general education certificate (certificate);
  3. Copy of ID card;
  4. 2 Photo 3X4, with an electronic version;
  5. Proof of military registration (only for persons subject to military registration).
  6. If the student is a minor, it is necessary to present the birth certificate at the time of registration together with a parent or guardian.

How can I contact the entrant preparation center?

An entrant preparation center is established on the basis of the university. For detailed information follow the attached link http://amc.ge/

577 54-11-11  info@amc.ge

Tuition fees and scholarships

Will I receive state funding?

All programs at the university are accredited and funded by all types of state grants

What programs does the university have?


  • Management
  • Business Administration
  • Business Administration (in English)
  • Finances
  • Tourism
  • Law
  • International Relations
  • Psychology
  • Journalism


  • Medicine (in English)

Master's degree

  • Banking
  • Human Resources Management
  • Law
  • Social Psychology
  • Education Administration
  • Clinical Psychology

Is the university authorized and accredited?

Georgian National University SEU is authorized and all its programs are accredited


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