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TOEIC Syllabus for 2024-25 English Proficiency Exam

Updated on 15 November, 2023

Pragya Sharma

Pragya Sharma

Sr. Content Editor

The TOEIC exam establishes the worldwide benchmark for evaluating English communication skills in the workplace. It is vital to understand the TOEIC syllabus critically to ace the exam. The exam, like TOEFL or IELTS, provides a comprehensive English assessment, encompassing all four essential communication skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. This article focuses on the TOEIC syllabus and exam pattern in detail.

TOEIC Test Format

The TOEIC test covers a spectrum of skill levels, catering to individuals at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced proficiency levels. Let us first look at the exam’s format.

  • The TOEIC exam can be categorized into two broad parts: the TOEIC Speaking and Writing (TOEIC S&W) and the TOEIC Listening and Reading (TOEIC L&R).
  • The score is awarded in the range of 10 to 990 points. The TOEIC score is usually valid for two years.
  • The TOEIC Listening and Reading (L&R) is an objective examination administered using an optically scanned answer sheet. 
  • The TOEIC exam pattern remains consistent for each administration, and all responses are recorded on a separate answer sheet. 

TOEIC Listening and Reading Test Pattern

Listening Section (approximately 45 minutes, 100 questions) wherein you have to listen to conversations and narrations and respond to the related questions.

Part 1

Photographs: 6 questions

You will hear four brief spoken statements about a photograph, which will not be provided in written form. From these four statements, choose the one that most accurately depicts the photograph and indicate your response on the answer sheet.

Part 2

Response: 25 questions

You will hear three responses to a single question or statement, which will not be provided in written form. Choose the most appropriate response for the question and record your answer on the answer sheet.

Part 3 

Conversations: 39 questions

You will hear dialogues involving two or three individuals, which will not be provided in written form. For each conversation, listen attentively and peruse the questions presented in the test booklet (the questions will also be verbally conveyed). Then, pick the most suitable response for each question and record your responses on the answer sheet. 

Part 4

Talks: 30 questions

Brief presentations, including announcements or narrations, will be conveyed audibly only once. They will not be presented in written form. For each talk, pay close attention as you listen and review the questions provided in the test booklet (the questions will also be orally presented). Then, choose the most fitting response for each question and record your responses on the answer sheet. 

Next is the Reading Section (approximately 75 minutes, 100 questions). Peruse the provided questions in print and provide your answers to them.

Part 5

Incomplete Sentences: 30 questions

Choose the most suitable answer from the four options to fill in the sentence and indicate your response on the answer sheet.

Part 6

Text Completion: 16 questions

Opt for the most appropriate answer from the provided four choices (which may include words, phrases, or sentences) to finish the text, and record your choice on the answer sheet. Each text is accompanied by four questions.

Part 7

Single Passages: 29 questions

Multiple Passages: 25 questions

The test booklet contains various texts. Examine the questions, choose the most fitting answer from the four options, and record your responses on the answer sheet. 

TOEIC Speaking and Writing Test Pattern

Speaking Format

Content: 11 questions

Duration: Approximately 20 minutes 

Scoring Range: 0–200

Questions Type of test Explanation
1-2 Read text loudly You have 45 seconds for preparation and an additional 45 seconds to convey the text orally.
3-4 Give a description of an image

Provide a comprehensive description of the image displayed on the screen, aiming to include as many details as possible. You will have 45 seconds to prepare your response, followed by a 30-second time frame to discuss the picture verbally.


5-7 Answer the questions

You have 3 seconds for each question to prepare your response. For questions 5 and 6, you have 15 seconds to answer. For question 7, you have 30 seconds to respond.


8-10 Answer the questions using the given information 

You will have 45 seconds to review the information before the commencement of the questions. For each question, you will have 3 seconds to prepare your response. Questions 8 and 9 will afford you 15 seconds each to provide your answers. Question 10 will be presented twice, and you will have 30 seconds to respond.


11 Give an opinion

You have 45 seconds to get ready to respond, followed by a 60-second time frame to speak.


Writing Format

Content: 8 inquiries 

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes

Scoring Range: 0–200

Questions Type of Test Explanation
1-5 Write a sentence based on the image For each image, you will receive two words or phrases, which you must incorporate into a sentence. You are allowed to modify the word forms and arrange the words in any order you choose.
6-7 Answer to a written request

Demonstrate your ability to compose email responses effectively. You have 10 minutes to read and reply to each email.


8 Express an opinion essay

Compose an essay in reply to a prompt that requests you to articulate, elucidate, and substantiate your viewpoint on a particular topic. Generally, a successful essay should encompass no fewer than 300 words.


TOEIC Bridge Exam Pattern

The TOEIC Bridge Exam is designed for beginners to intermediate learners. Its scores can be used to show employers you possess the requisite English communication skills for the next academic or workplace level or to evaluate which areas you need to improve.

TOEIC Bridge Listening Test: In this section, you will engage with descriptions, questions, conversations, and talks in English. The test lasts approximately 25 minutes and comprises 50 multiple-choice questions divided into four parts:

  • Part 1: Four Pictures (6 questions)
  • Part 2: Question-Response (20 questions)
  • Part 3: Conversations (10 questions)
  • Part 4: Talks (14 questions)

TOEIC Bridge Reading Test: This segment assesses your ability to complete sentences in written English and answer questions related to short informational texts. You will have 35 minutes to complete the test, which consists of 50 multiple-choice questions grouped into three parts:

  • Part 1: Sentence Completion (15 questions)
  • Part 2: Text Completion (15 questions)
  • Part 3: Reading Comprehension (20 questions)

TOEIC Bridge Speaking Test: The speaking test evaluates your oral communication skills. It takes about 15 minutes and comprises eight questions categorized into six task types:

  1. Read a Short Text Aloud (2 questions)
  2. Describe a Photograph (2 questions)
  3. Listen and Retell (1 question)
  4. Short Interaction (1 question)
  5. Tell a Story (1 question)
  6. Make and Support a Recommendation (1 question)

TOEIC Bridge Writing Test: This section assesses your written English skills. You'll be required to complete and write sentences, ask for and provide information, describe events, and give your opinions. The test takes approximately 37 minutes and consists of nine questions grouped into five task types:

  1. Build a Sentence (3 questions)
  2. Write a Sentence (3 questions)
  3. Respond to a Brief Message (1 question)
  4. Write a Narrative (1 question)
  5. Respond to an Extended Message (1 question)

This guide intends to give you a basic understanding of the TOEIC exam pattern and syllabus. To better prepare for the exam, you must attempt to know more about the TOEIC exam overview. It will help you gain an edge in understanding the exam’s purpose and format.


What is the duration of the TOEIC exam?

The duration of the TOEIC test is 2 hours.

What is the TOEIC exam for?

The TOEIC test measures non-native English speakers' competency in English. The TOEIC syllabus assesses written and oral comprehension skills in professional and international contexts.

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Pragya Sharma

Sr. Content Editor

Pragya Sharma is a content developer and marketer with 6.5+ years of experience in the education industry. She started her career as a social media copywriter for NIELIT, Ministry of Electronics & IT, and has now scaled up as a 360-degree content professional well-versed with the intricacies of digital marketing and different forms of content used to drive and hook the target audience. She is also a co-author of 2 stories in an anthology based on the theme- women empowerment.

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