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Trine University

Trine University Rankings 2025


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What is Trine University’s ranking in the world in 2024?

According to U.S. News & World Report, Trine University ranks #14 in the Regional College Midwest 2024. Times Higher Education (THE) has ranked Trine University >600th in the US College Rankings 2022. 

In which academic fields is Trine University ranked highest?

According to EduRank.org, chemistry is the highest-ranking course at Trine University. It ranks 1221 out of 1407 colleges in the United States.  

What is the ranking of Trine University's Computer Science program?

According to EduRank.org, the Trine University computer science ranking is 1454 in the United States. It ranks 1537 in North America and 6321 in the world. 

What are the benefits of attending a highly ranked university like Trine University?

Trine was in the top fifth of all universities in the country with the highest engagement score. Students who continue their studies at Trine benefit from individualized attention due to the school's 15-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio.

How do rankings affect the value of a degree from Trine University?

More money and resources are often available to top-ranked colleges, which may translate into superior facilities, research possibilities, faculty specialization, internship opportunities, and industry contacts. These elements can further your professional and academic growth.

How does Trine University compare to other major universities in the USA in terms of ranking?

Trine University holds the 14th position among the 83 Midwest Regional Colleges. Schools are graded based on how well they perform across a range of commonly recognized excellence metrics.


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