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HDI Full Form- The Human Development Index

Updated on 22 February, 2024

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad abroad Editorial Team

What is HDI? The full form of the HDI is the Human Development Index. 

A long and healthy life, knowledge, and a reasonable level of living are three important aspects of human development that the Human Development Index (HDI) measures in summary form. 

The normalized indices for every one of the three dimensions' geometric means make up the HDI. The expected lifespan at birth is used to measure the health dimension, while the mean number of years spent in school for people over 25 and the anticipated number of years spent in school for children who are ready to start school are used to measure the education component. 

Gross national income per capita is used to measure the quality of life. The logarithm for earnings is used by the HDI to represent how money becomes less significant as GNI increases.

What are the uses of HDI?

  • The HDI establishes "goalposts"—minimum and maximum values—for each dimension and then displays the position of each nation with respect to these values. A number between 0 and 1 is used to represent this. The greater a nation's HDI number, the better its level of human development.
  • Policymakers, the media, and nonprofit groups are drawn in by the HDI, which shifts the emphasis from the typical economic numbers to the results that affect people. It was made to underline once more that a nation's progress should be evaluated primarily based on its people and their potential rather than its economic prosperity.
  • In addition, variations between nations, between states or provinces, and between genders, ethnic groups, and other socioeconomic categories are highlighted by the HDI. In many nations, bringing attention to such internal discrepancies has sparked national discourse.
  • The HDI is also used to challenge national policy decisions and investigate the significant disparities in human development outcomes between two nations with comparable levels of per capita income.

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